Open Way Farm has at its center the land. We came here to be on this land, to listen and learn from it. We came here to explore a different relationship than extraction and use. We seek to respect the vitality of this land, live with and on the land, and share this land in a spirit of justice, love, and humility.
This land is rich with possibility, and we are exploring various farming models as we learn about the growing seasons of Vermont. We come to this project with various skills for homesteading and small scale agriculture– from vegetable growing to carpentry to parenting to education– and have many skills to gain as we grow this project and community.
Currently we are growing vegetables and chickens on a homestead basis. We sometimes sell vegetables at our roadside stand. Our vision is to scale up to use as much of the land as is reasonable and responsible. We use sustainable organic practices, sourcing materials as locally as possible.
We grow food for our community and neighbors. We live in communityon the land, building just relationships and supporting our shared and disparate work. We create spaces for change agents to heal and rejuvenate on the land, for the hard work that is needed in our communities, society, and planet. We seek to build just relationships with each other and whoever comes to the land– customers buying food, retreat participants, volunteers, friends.
Interested in coming to work on the land with our growing farm and community projects? Contact us and we can discuss it. We also welcome wwoofers(Willing Workers On Organic Farms). Here is our member listing. You need to be a member to access the listing.